How many amps does a microwave draw: A complete guide

Since they offer a rapid and practical way to heat and cook food, microwaves have established themselves as a necessary device in many homes.

To ensure that a microwave is installed and used securely, as with other electrical equipment, it’s critical to understand the power requirements of a microwave.

The microwave amp usage, which is based on its wattage and the voltage of the circuit it is attached to, is one of the most important things to consider.

In this guide, we’ll look at how many amps does a microwave draws, how its amperage is affected by various conditions, and how to install and use your microwave securely.

Low-wattage microwaves

Low-wattage microwaves advantages and disadvantages
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When selecting a microwave for your purposes, you should consider the benefits and drawbacks of low-wattage models.


Compared to high-wattage microwaves, low-wattage microwaves have the following benefits:

Energy efficiency

Low-wattage models use less energy, which can cut down on overall energy usage and power costs.


Compared to high-wattage versions, low-wattage models are often less expensive to buy. As a result, they are a more cost-effective choice for people on a tight budget or for those who don’t need the extra power of a high-wattage microwave.

Better for small spaces

Compared to high-wattage versions, low-wattage models are frequently more compact and smaller.

Greater versatility

Low-wattage models can perform a larger range of functions, including cooking, reheating, and defrosting.


Low-wattage models have several benefits, but they also have some drawbacks:

Slower cooking times

When compared to high-wattage models, low-wattage models take longer to cook. If you need to make meals fast or are in a rush, this might be frustrating.

Limited power

Low-wattage models might not have enough power to cook some foods, such as big chunks of meat or others that require a lot of heat.

Uneven heating

Low-wattage models may cause hot and cold areas in food as a result of uneven heating. As a result, the food may not be as good and may not be as fun to eat.

Limited features

Compared to high-wattage models, low-wattage microwaves may lack features like pre-programmed settings or sophisticated cooking options.

Limited capacity

Microwaves with low-power output may have a lesser capacity than those with high-power output, which might be a drawback if you need to cook a lot of food at once.

Low-wattage versions are suitable for individuals who require a straightforward and inexpensive microwave for basic activities, while high-wattage models are best for those who need to prepare meals rapidly and efficiently.

When selecting a microwave, it’s critical to consider how much power it uses and your unique requirements and preferences and to pick a model that offers the features and advantages that are most significant to you.

High-wattage microwave

High-wattage microwaves advantages and disadvantages
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When selecting a microwave for your purposes, you should consider the benefits and drawbacks of high-wattage models.

The following are some benefits and drawbacks of high-power microwaves:


These are:

Faster cooking times

Microwaves with higher wattages can cook more quickly than those with lower wattages.
If you need to rapidly cook meals, this may be helpful.

More uniform cooking

High-wattage ones can cook more evenly because they can more evenly disperse heat.

High-wattage ones are capable of cooking greater amounts of food at once, which might be helpful if you need to prepare meals for a big family or company.

Better for cooking some food types

High-wattage ones can cook more evenly and thoroughly, making them better for cooking meats, casseroles, and baked goods.


These are:

Higher price

Those on a budget may find high-wattage ones to be prohibitively more expensive than those with lesser wattages.

Higher power consumption

Microwaves with higher wattages consume more power than those with lower wattages, which may lead to higher energy costs.

Greater risk of overheating

Microwaves with higher wattages produce more power and heat than those with lower wattages, which raises the risk of overheating and, in the wrong circumstances, fire.

Requires a dedicated circuit

High-wattage ones need a dedicated circuit to function securely, which can be a drawback if your home’s electrical system is not configured for this.

This circuit must have a minimum of 20 amps.

All things considered, high-wattage ones can be helpful for people who need to swiftly and uniformly prepare food, but they might not be the ideal option for everyone.

When selecting a microwave, it’s critical to consider your unique needs and financial situation.

You should also always abide by the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective use.

Input and output of a microwave

Input and output of a microwave
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The amount of electrical power given to a microwave by a power source, commonly measured in watts, is known as the input power, not the output power of a microwave.

The microwave radiation that heats the food is produced using this power.

The amount of electricity provided to the food being heated or cooked is known as the output energy of a microwave.

It is commonly expressed in watts and is lower than the input power rating as a result of losses in the magnetron and waveguide, two components of the microwave.

The percentage-based power output to input energy ratio is used to determine a microwave’s efficiency.

For instance, a microwave’s efficiency would be 70% if it had a 1000-watt intake and a 700-watt output.

The type and quantity of food being heated, the container it is in, the cooking duration, and power settings all have an impact on a microwave’s output energy and the electric bill.

To make sure that the microwave is utilized successfully and efficiently, it is crucial to adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions, suggested cooking times, electrical system, and power levels.

Because they use less energy and cook food faster than conventional ovens and stovetops, microwaves are often more energy-efficient.

However, to decrease energy usage and lower your carbon impact, it’s still critical to use them ethically and efficiently.

What safety measures before installing a microwave

How many amps does a microwave draw: A complete guide
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To guarantee that a microwave oven is installed and used securely, it’s crucial to follow a few safety precautions.

Here are some important safety measures to remember:

Pick the proper location: Select a place for the microwave oven that is not directly above the stove and is away from combustible objects like drapes or cabinets.

Ample space must be left around the microwave oven for adequate ventilation.

Use a dedicated circuit: To work properly, most microwave ovens need a separate circuit with at least 20 amps.

Make sure the circuit you are utilizing is not shared with any other high-wattage microwaves and is qualified for the power requirements of the microwave oven.

To avoid electrical shocks, make sure the microwave oven is correctly grounded.

Observe the manufacturer’s instructions: Always abide by the manufacturer’s installation and operating instructions, as well as any suggested maintenance practices.

Always keep an eye on the microwave while it’s in use, and be sure to adhere to any suggested cooking durations when you cook food and power settings to prevent overheating.

Maintaining the microwave regularly will help you avoid food debris buildup, which raises the possibility of a fire.

Speak with a certified electrician: Consult a certified electrician to ensure that the microwave is placed securely and correctly if you are unsure about the wiring in your home or have any worries about its safety.

You may guarantee that your microwave is installed and used safely by adhering to these safety rules, which lowers the possibility of electrical shocks, fires, and other dangers.

How different factors affect microwave amperage

How different factors affect microwave amperage
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Several factors might alter a microwave’s amperage, including:

The main variable influencing a microwave’s amperage is its wattage.
Microwaves with higher wattages will draw more amps than those with lower wattages.
For instance, an average microwave that is 1000 watts will draw more amps than one that is 700 watts.


The microwave’s amperage may be impacted by the voltage of the circuit to which it is connected. In the US, 120 volts is the standard voltage for domestic circuits.

The amperage ratings of some microwaves may rise, though, because they may be built to run at greater voltages and have more power consumption.

Circuit capacity

The microwave’s amperage may also be impacted by the circuit’s capacity for power consumption.

For safe operation, the majority of microwaves need a dedicated circuit with a minimum of 20 amps.

The circuit may trip or potentially start a fire if a circuit with a lesser capacity is used.

Microwave age and upkeep

Older or less well-maintained microwaves may require more amps than more recent, well-maintained versions.

This can be because of problems with the wiring, parts, or other elements of the microwave.

To keep your microwave cooking power functioning effectively and securely, it is crucial to do routine maintenance on it.

Other devices connected to the same circuit

The amperage of the microwave may be impacted by the presence of other high-wattage devices on the same circuit. While the microwave is running, using other appliances could trip the circuit or possibly start a fire.

You may choose how to install and use your device safely and efficiently by having a thorough awareness of the numerous factors that can affect a microwave’s amperage.

It’s crucial to always abide by the manufacturer’s instructions about power needs and to consult a certified electrician if you have any worries or queries regarding the wiring in your home.

Guidelines for lowering the amps your microwave uses

How many amps does a microwave draw: A complete guide
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The following advice will help you lower the amount of amps your microwave uses:

Pick a lower-wattage microwave because a more energy-efficient model requires more amps to operate.

The number of amps can be decreased by selecting a model with a low-wattage microwave.

Run the microwave for shorter periods to save energy, using your microwave for shorter periods can help you save energy.

Instead of running your microwave for three minutes straight, for instance, try running it for one minute, stopping to stir or check the food, and then running it again for another minute to save energy.

Use a lower power level on your microwave. Lowering the power level amp rating on your microwave can help cut down on the amps it draws.

Try utilizing a low-power setting rather than a high or more-power setting, for instance, while reheating leftovers.

Use microwave-safe cookware to help cut down on the amount of electricity your microwave consumes to decrease the electric bill.

Cookware made specifically for the microwave is made to heat rapidly and effectively, which can cut down on the length of time your microwave needs to operate.

Maintaining a clean microwave can help cut down on the amount of electricity it draws.

Microwaves may cook food unevenly in a filthy microwave, which may require more power and longer cooking periods.

By using these suggestions, you can lessen the number of amps your microwave uses, lowering your electric bill and lowering your carbon footprint.


How many amps does a microwave draw: A complete guide
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It’s crucial to know how many amps does a microwave use and how much power it consumes to calculate the bills.

The wattage of a microwave and the voltage of the circuit it is connected to determine how many amps a microwave uses.

An average 1500-watt microwave draws about 12.5 amps, compared to an average 1100-watt microwave’s 9.17 amps.

For safe operation, the majority of microwaves need a dedicated circuit with a minimum of 20 amps. However, if the microwave’s wattage rating is 1800 watts or less, a 15-amp circuit can safely handle its operation.

The wattage of the microwave is directly correlated with the ampacity, but the majority of microwaves use roughly 10 amps.

Although microwaves might heat food faster, they could not function effectively in structures with low amperage circuits, such as a shed or boat.

However, the majority of houses easily have enough amperage to run a typical domestic microwave.

To avoid tripping the circuit breaker or even starting a fire, it’s crucial to know how many amps a microwave use and to always verify the manufacturer’s specs to validate the amperage rating of your specific microwave and to make sure that it is installed on a circuit that is rated for its power requirements.


Q: Can I run a microwave on a 15 amp circuit?

u003cstrongu003eYour microwave wattage determines this. For safe operation, the majority of microwaves need a dedicated circuit with a minimum of 20 amps.u003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003cbru003eHowever, your microwave can be used securely on a 15-amp circuit if the microwave wattage rating is 1800 watts or less.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eYou may look up the wattage of your microwave by consulting the owner’s manual or the label on the back of the appliance.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIf the wattage value is not stated, you can figure it out by multiplying the microwave’s amperage rating by the voltage, which is normally 120 volts in the United States.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eEven though your microwave is designed to operate on a 15-amp circuit, you should avoid using other high-wattage models on the same circuit of electrical current at the same time as the microwave to prevent it from tripping.

Q: How many amps does a 1500-watt microwave pull?

u003cstrongu003eYou can use the following formula to figure out how much power and how much electricity the microwave uses and how many amps a 1500-watt microwave:u003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eTo calculate microwave amp usage and energy consumption:u003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eWatts x Volts = Ampsu003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003cbru003eThe amperage of a 1500-watt microwave use would be: Assuming the circuit voltage is 120 volts (the standard voltage in the United States),u003cbru003e1500 watts / 120 volts equals 12.5 ampsu003cbru003eu003cbru003eA 1500-watt microwave use would therefore draw about 12.5 amps. It’s crucial to keep in mind that certain microwaves may have somewhat varied amperage ratings based on their unique features and design.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIt’s wise to confirm the amperage rating of your particular microwave by consulting the manufacturer’s specifications.

Q: How many amps does a 1100-watt microwave pull?

u003cstrongu003eYou can use the following calculation to figure out how many amps an 1100-watt microwave use:u003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eWatts x Volts = Ampsu003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003cbru003eThe average microwave amperage of an 1100-watt microwave would be: Assuming the voltage of the circuit is 120 volts (the US standard voltage),u003cbru003e120 volts x 1100 watts equals ampsu003cbru003eu003cbru003eAmps equal 9.17 amps.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eAn 1100-watt microwave use would therefore draw about 9.17 amps.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIt’s crucial to keep in mind that certain microwaves may have somewhat varied amperage ratings based on their unique features and design.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIt’s wise to confirm the amperage rating of your particular microwave by consulting the manufacturer’s specifications.

Q: Does a microwave need a 15 or 20-amp circuit?

u003cstrongu003eFor safe operation, the majority of low-wattage microwaves need a dedicated circuit with a minimum of 20 amps.u003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eHowever, your microwave can be used securely on a 15-amp circuit if its wattage rating is 1800 watts or less.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIt’s crucial to know how many amps does a microwave use and to remember that connecting high-wattage microwaves that need a 20-amp circuit to a 15-amp circuit might be risky and could trip the circuit breaker or possibly start a fire.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eTo confirm the amperage rating of your particular microwave and to make sure it is installed on a circuit that is qualified for its power requirements, it is always a good idea to verify the manufacturer’s specs.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eTo ensure that your microwave is installed securely and correctly, it is advisable to consult a certified electrician if you are unclear about the wiring and the electrical system in your home.

Q: What does amp rating mean?

u003cstrongu003eA circuit or device’s amp rating, usually referred to as its amperage rating, is a measurement of the current flowing through it. It typically refers to the number of electrons flowing through the circuit each second and is denoted in amperes (A).u003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003cbru003eThe amp rating, as it relates to microwave ovens, describes how many amps and how much electric current they consume when they are in use.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eFor safe operation, the majority of microwaves need a dedicated circuit with a minimum of 20 amps. The breaker may trip or potentially start a fire if a circuit with a lesser capacity is used.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIt’s critical to comprehend an electrical device’s amp rating to ensure that it is installed and used safely.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eMake sure your home’s wiring is rated for the amp rating of the electrical equipment connected to it as well.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIt is preferable to consult a certified electrician if you have any worries or inquiries about the amp rating of your microwave or other electrical appliances.

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